Data models describe data files formatted using either JSON, TOML or YAML. Common examples might be a data/footer.json that contains the site's footer configuration or config.toml that contains site's configuration options.

Data Models share the common model properties.

In addition to common properties, data models have the following properties with similar behavior as in Page Models:


Take the following site structure

├── content
│   └── posts
│       ├──
│       └──
├── data
│   └── footer.json
└── stackbit.yaml

The data in the data/footer.json file

  "features": [
      "title": "Free Consultation",
      "description": "New clients recieve an obligation free consultation.",
      "image": "images/features/noun_branding_1885335.svg"
      "title": "Certified Accountants",
      "description": "All members of our team are certified accountants.",
      "image": "images/features/noun_The Process_1885341.svg"
      "title": "Tax Compliance",
      "description": "We stay up to date on the latest changes to the tax code.",
      "image": "images/features/noun_3d modeling_1885342.svg"

Would map to the following data model in the stackbit.yaml:

stackbitVersion: ~0.2.0
ssgName: custom
pagesDir: content
dataDir: data
    type: data
    label: Features
    file: footer.json # path is relative to the `dataDir`
      - type: list
        name: features
          type: object
          label: Feature
          labelField: title
            - type: string
              name: title
              label: Title
            - type: string
              name: description
              label: Description
            - type: image
              name: image
              label: Icon

Data in Multiple Folders

If you have data files in multiple folders and or data/config files in the root you can set dataDir: "", which will scan the entire project for data files.

├── content
│   └── posts
│       ├──
│       └──
├── data
│   └── footer.json
├── stackbit.yaml
└── config.yaml